Pakistan: Government Shuts Down Schools Amid Protests and Eye Infection Outbreak


 In recent weeks, the Pakistani government has shut down schools across the country for a variety of reasons, including protests and an eye infection outbreak.

On September 28, 2023, the Punjab government announced that all public and private schools in the province would remain closed for four days due to the outbreak of conjunctivitis (pinkeye). The disease had been spreading rapidly across the province, with state-run hospitals reporting 500-600 patients per day. The highest number of infections was reported in the city of Lahore.

The Punjab government's decision to close schools was met with mixed reactions. Some parents welcomed the move, saying it was necessary to protect their children from the infection. Others expressed concern about the impact the closure would have on their children's education.

"I'm glad the government has decided to close schools," said one parent, who wished to remain anonymous. "I'm worried about my children getting sick, and I'm also concerned about the spread of the infection."

"I'm concerned about the impact the closure will have on my children's education," said another parent. "They've already missed so much school because of the pandemic, and now they're going to miss even more."

The Punjab government reopened schools on October 2, 2023. However, the closure of schools had a significant impact on students' education. Many students missed important lessons and tests, and some students fell behind in their studies.

In addition to the eye infection outbreak, the Pakistani government has also shut down schools due to protests. In October 2023, teachers in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa went on strike to protest the government's plans to privatize public schools. The strike lasted for several days and resulted in the closure of all public schools in the province.

The teachers' strike was met with criticism from some parents, who said it was unfair to their children. However, the teachers defended their actions, saying they were necessary to protect the quality of education in Pakistan.

"We are striking to protect the future of our children," said one teacher, who wished to remain anonymous. "If the government privatizes public schools, only the wealthy will be able to afford a good education."

The Pakistani government has also shut down schools in response to security threats. In November 2023, the government shut down all schools in the city of Peshawar after receiving intelligence of a possible terrorist attack. The schools reopened a few days later after the government determined that the threat had subsided.

The closure of schools in Pakistan is a serious problem. It has a negative impact on students' education and can also lead to social unrest. The Pakistani government needs to address the reasons why schools are being closed and find solutions that protect the safety and well-being of students and teachers.

Impact of School Closures on Students

School closures can have a significant impact on students' education. Students who miss school are more likely to fall behind in their studies and are less likely to graduate. They are also more likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as substance abuse and crime.

School closures can also have a negative impact on students' mental and emotional health. Students who miss school are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and loneliness. They are also more likely to have difficulty adjusting to social situations.

Impact of School Closures on Parents and Teachers

School closures can also have a negative impact on parents and teachers. Parents who have to miss work to care for their children during school closures may experience financial hardship. Teachers who have to deal with the disruption to their teaching schedule may experience increased stress and burnout.


The Pakistani government can take a number of steps to address the problem of school closures:

  • Invest in public education to improve the quality of education and make schools more attractive to students and parents.
  • Address the root causes of social unrest, such as poverty and inequality, to reduce the likelihood of protests and other disruptions to education.
  • Improve security at schools to protect students and teachers from terrorist attacks and other threats.
  • Provide support to students, parents, and teachers who are affected by school closures.


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